Hi everyone! I’m Ali Westervelt, the owner of Double Bug Stitchery.
I don’t remember learning to crochet. My mom swears she taught me, but… My theory is I somehow picked it up by osmosis. Maybe I had a dream about granny squares one night and woke up able to create things. (Just kidding! Thanks, Mom!)
Double Bug Stitchery started in 2018 with one very tired momma, one darling newborn girl, a very patient and supportive husband, and a ton of hat and diaper cover sets and baby booties. My daughter Luci, also known as “Bug Bug,” was partial to being a puppy and a ladybug. She’s never been a huge fan of shoes, but that hasn’t stopped me from trying!
“Baby Tested. Mama Made.” isn’t just a terrible play on “Kid Tested. Mother Approved.” Every single baby/toddler item has been tested by my darling daughter. If she doesn’t want to wear it, I figure most other kids won’t either. For the adult items? Well, you’re on your own!
Follow me on social media or visit my website to learn more about my process and watch my creations come together day by day! I can’t wait to meet you and make you something wonderful.